I am not one for believing that 13 is an unlucky number, but it definitely hasn't been lucky for me and my friends and family.
Despite this, I thought I would look to a few positives for the year that has gone by, and share a few of my favourite pictures.

I read 66 books this year, I didn't reach my target by a long shot but I feel very accomplished at having managed to read so many.

I managed to review 32 books! That is a big achievement for me, I have been reading and reading and adding books to my list, but in the past couple of years I haven't really made such a huge effort to review those books, that I managed to review 32 books in one year feels like such an achievement, and I hope to continue with those reviews into 2014.

I learnt new skills. Part and parcel of changing my blog was also in learning how to make it look and feel how I wanted it to. I have recently taken on teaching myself how to use a camera properly, without the auto mode! And I learnt how to mow the lawn just like my Dad liked it. I found that being out of education for an extended period has made me appreciate learning so much more, and now I am a huge advocate of lifelong learning, I feel like I should say to my old lecturers "I GET IT!"

I got my almost dream job. I have been working towards being a real life librarian for many years, and this year I finally got a permanent position helping people with their quest for information. There is a lot of negative stuff going on with that right now, but I am choosing to look to the positive, I got there! A little later than planned, but I got there.

I learnt to appreciate the little things. Part of turning this online space into a "lifestyle" blog, was because I wanted to showcase experiences as well as things. The loss of my Dad earlier this year made me realise that I wish I had more memories, more snapshots, and more appreciation for everything I have, so this year I have tried to go on more days out, walks through the countryside, and general life living. I have also a huge appreciation for my family and friends, our extended family has become much closer this past year, and I genuinely feel like I have a great support network that I maybe hadn't realised I had before.
And lastly, this is a terribly materialistic one, but I finally own a Mulberry bag! I am planning on doing a post about this going into greater detail, but I have lusted after one ever since an old friend walked into our uni class with one and I saw the little tree 7 years ago. I always told myself I would get one when I earn more in a month than it costs to buy one, so I did. I am probably far too proud of it!

So what about 2014?
Well I am going to do a few things differently, I am not going to set myself a reading challenge goal, and instead simply read books that I want to read, when I want to read them. I don't want to be thinking about how many I have read as a target, but rather as an accomplishment, so my Goodreads target for 2014 will be 1 book, which I am pretty sure I will manage.
I am hoping to make an effort to take a lot more photographs this year documenting my adventures, I have taken some pictures that I truly love in the past year and hope to add to my collection in the next, especially as I have just received a new camera!
My main goal for 2014 though is to stress less. This year has been hard, emotionally I have been through the wringer, but I want to try and get back to enjoying life and making the most of it without worrying what if. Life is for living, and then for blogging, of course!
Have a very Happy New Year everyone! Lets make it a great one :)
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