So lets catch up. I've had a very busy year, I wont go into why, but I have done a lot of reading. I have so far this year read 39 books, almost twice the amount I had this time last year. I have been making my own notes about them but I obviously haven't been posting, and I wont promise to for various reasons, but I hope to post a bit more over the next 6 months now things have settled down a bit.
Lets start with what I am currently reading.
As I am sure you are aware Philippa Gregory's The White Queen has been made into a BBC television series, 10 parts I believe. I loved The White Queen and have a review for it here, I also have read The Red Queen, though did not enjoy it as much. The television show is actually bringing together the first four books in the Cousins War series, and as I have only read two, I thought I had better hurry up and catch up to the show.
I am about 3 chapters in to The Lady of the Rivers, which is so far ok, I don't love it as much as The White Queen, nor dislike it as much as The Red Queen.
I shall pass verdict once I have finished.
I have also been really interested in non fiction reads lately, I am not sure what it is about them, as it is only recently (by recent I mean maybe the past year) that I have been drawn to them. I have always been someone who enjoys learning and as I am now out of education I suppose I am fulfilling that desire for knowledge.
Also I will admit I simply like to knows lots of random information so that I can pull it out of my head when everyone else least expects it.
So far Food Myths is interesting, each myth is spoken about for a couple of pages, with some quick key facts at the end. It feels very quick to read because each chapter is essentially one myth.
I am enjoying the writing style, it's to the point and slightly humorous, and I love to know stuff about food.
It is win win!
How about you, what have you been reading lately? Any recommendations for me?
I have read all the Cousin's war books, and like you, I loved The White Queen. I found The Red Queen interesting, but I wasn't enthralled by it. The Lady of the Rivers & The Kingmakers Daughter are book decent, but again, not as engaging as The White Queen (for me anyways). I'm absolutely loving the BBC version, bringing all the books together.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading the first book in the Game of Thrones. I'd received very varied opinions on it beforehand, but I needed to try it for myself (I hate people around me talking about books, which I haven't read). I'm about 20 pages from the end (it's a doorstopper of a book) and I can honestly say that I found it very readable.
Happy reading.
Jill x
I have actually already finished Game of Thrones, and i loved it, it was great, and although I already have the second book I have been reluctant to start it because I know it will take me a while to finish! I will eventually read the whole series, but I am happy to space things out instead of bingeing on them all at once because I know how frustrated some readers are that they have to wait so long for the next one :) xx