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Saturday, 30 April 2011

April Favourites

My April favourites video. Can’t believe the month is almost over! xo

NOTD: What's With the Cattitude?

Royal wedding over = Summer nailssss :D OPI What’s With the Cattitude?

Friday, 29 April 2011

NOTD: Royal Wedding

Last minute royal wedding nails, used OPI Kiss on the Chic as a base, Barry M Gold on the tips and Barry M Navy for the sapphire, OPI Pearls Night Out for the Diamonds! Hope you will all be watching

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Tutorial: Candy Stripe Nails

I felt like doing a lovely pastel candy stripe, it reminds me of deck chairs and ice cream!


Preparing For Project X Pan

So, if you don’t know, it is my birthday on Monday. I have decided that after I have gone on a little birthday haul I will be project pan-ing. 
My collection of beauty and cosmetics items is quite extensive, and I have been trying to use things up for a while, but I don’t have that driving factor which really makes me want to, so I hope that I now have a good enough reason. The week after my birthday I am going shopping and I am going to see how much Mulberry bags are at the factory shop in York, so I will have an amount of money to start saving towards. Cosmetics is one of my big expenditures so hopefully cutting down will bump that bag fund up a bit.
I tried this once before, just after christmas, and it lasted all of two weeks, so I am switching things up.
Instead of actually listing items I want gone, I am instead just going to use whatever I want until either 10 or 15 items are used up. This will probably still be items I want out of my collection, but I am not going to list them this time as it makes me want to rebel against my own rules! 
So, my rules:
1. I am only allowed to purchase a new item before the end of the Project Pan if it meets one of the following conditions: 
*Limited edition items, these might not come around again, and a project pan isn’t worth the regret, I will limit myself to the things I honestly and truly really want though.
*If i run out of a staple item, such as mascara, and have absolutely none of any kind left, I can get a replacement.
*Points cards rewards are allowed to be spent. I have Boots, Debenhams and Space.NK rewards cards with points on them at the moment, and they do expire so I don’t want to lose something I have earned. I can also put a bit of money towards these items, because I hardly ever find something I want from Debenhams for £5! BUT this is within reason obviously. Buying something that is £50 just to use a £5 off voucher is not ok, £20 down to £15 is better. 
2. The items must be used up completely, I cannot just ‘hit pan’ and deem that one done. I will also go out of my way to try and get the last bits out if I can, such as using a lip brush to get the last bits of a lipstick out. 
3. If I decide that there is no way in hell I am going to use something and decide to throw it away or give it away, that is ok because it is still removing it from my collection, but It wont count on my list.
4. Accessories and NAIL POLISH count as buying something, I am absolutely terrible with hauling nail polish and make up brushes, this neeeeeeds to stop, and is one of the main reasons I am doing this. So, no mad Sally’s hauls until I have used some stuff up :)
So, I shall be posting or filming my haul after my birthday (I want to pick up a few things, in particular some MAC) and then I shall be on a ban. 
I really do have a lot of stuff, so this shouldn’t be too difficult, wish me luck! 

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

NOTD: Pink and Purple Polka Dot

Yesterday’s Purple Random Dotty nail art, may be posting a tutorial later this week
OPI Pinking of You
OPI A Grape Fit

NOTD: Zig-Zag's

The most RIDICULOUSLY intensive yet amazinggg nail tutorial. EVER.
Love this, will have to film it next time.
Barry M Peach Melba
Barry M Blue Moon

Haul: Barry M Peach Melba & Blue Moon

Stay tuned for quite possibly the most FAFFY nail art I have ever done using these. Picked them up from Boots today, possibly my ideal peach, but stay tuned for my final decision on that when I get a new one through the post. 
Barry M Peach Melba
Barry M Blue Moon

Monday, 25 April 2011

Review: China Glaze vs. OPI

So here is a little comparison review, featuring an application, which I really felt I wanted to make because I use both of these brands regularly.

Hope you like :)


Sunday, 24 April 2011

TAG: What's In My Bag

For the nosy people out there (don't worry, I am one of them too) here is what I cart around with me in my handbag every day!


Saturday, 23 April 2011

TAG: This or That?

I made a few tag videos last weekend and have finally gotten round to uploading them, here is the first, the this or that tag. 
Would love to see some responses :)

NOTD: Teenage Dream

Glitter gradient painted my nails the other day using OPI’s Teenage Dream polish. Love the way it looks, though it is a very subtle difference between the tips and the cuticle.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Haul: April

My haul for the past few weeks, lots of lovely stuff :)

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

NOTD: Easter Egg

Egg-citing nails bwahahaha. Polka dots inspired by Easter eggs, using China Glaze colours Re-freshmint, Lemon Fizz and Peachy Keen. And Barry M Blueberry :)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

NOTD: Mint Candy Apple

Essie Mint Candy Apple, not my fave for summer, but def my fave mint so far! More like an aqua :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

NOTD: For Audrey

Officially my new fave, tiffany box blue! For Audrey, China Glaze

Monday, 4 April 2011

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Haul: NARS Laguna

More NARS came through the post today, think I am in love with this brand *swoon*
Laguna bronzer.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Haul: NARS Lokoum

Nothin’ so pretty as a new NARS blush, with completely clean packaging :) 
 Nars Cream Blush in Lokoum