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Thursday 27 January 2011

A little update

Just a little one, I have added a couple of cool features to my blog after I decided some things bugged me.

I can now reply directly to comments people leave me, which I am so so happy about! I always used to feel a bit annoyed that there was no way I could be sure that one of my readers actually got to see if I had left a reply or not, so now I can, and if you commented previously then I apologise for only just figuring out how to do this, this new solution will hopefully alert you to having received a reply in some way, I think through the blogger inbox maybe? Not sure, I shall do a little investigation!

I have also added a little twitter link on the left hand side, feel free to follow me if you use it. I do have my tweets set to private but I accept everyone who isn't a company trying to sell me something, so please don't let that put you off.

Also finally I have added a page at the top that says Tumblr, where you can see a scrolling box of my tumblr posts, which will mostly be pretty things, funny things and the odd beauty/fashion review. If you have a tumblr yourself feel free to follow on there too and I shall follow you back!

I will also just mention that my book this week is Q&A by Vikas Swarup. I had actually read over half of this about 2 months ago for my university course and then got bogged down with work and didn't finish it, so I hope to have a review for you over the coming weeks, I know I am behind but I am composing them in my filofax and taking pictures and posting when I can and the light is good, so I hope to have some great updates for you soon!

Have a great weekend everyone :)


  1. Testing, testing, 1 2 3

  2. I'm sure that your adjustments will make life easier.

    Looking forward to the next book review.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    Jill x

  3. I love your layout and gadgets. I'm having such a hard time understanding gadgets. I want labels and what I'm reading and progress bar but I fail to understand the world of blogger.

    Any tips?


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