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Tuesday, 9 November 2010

For Warmer Ears...

...just add Baby Llama.

...and some needles


and be snug for winter in an Autumn Leaves Calorimetry :)

FO Report:
Pattern Name: Calorimetry by Kathryn Schoendorf
Yarn: Mirasol Miski in Coral
Needle Size: 4mm
Problems: Although my gague appeared to be right, the finish item is a bit big, despite going down needle sizes. Next time I would definitely knit smaller!
Modifications: I ran out of yarn so I had to stop a couple of rows short of the suggested amount in the pattern.
Skills Learnt: Not learnt but refreshed my short tow knowledge. I also got a great iPhone app for counting stitches!
Knit Again?: Yes, requests for Christmas have already been asked.
Score: 7/10