When Prince George was born, The Duchess of Cambridge was of course all over the internet again, old links for her beauty regime and fashion choices were cropping up everywhere as all relevant content was pushed into our faces. Being a bit of a Kate fan (man would I love to have her hair!) I had a browse back through some of those posts and came across one about her skincare choices. It was reported that she had been a great fan of the Karin Herzog Oxygen Face Cream until she got closer to thirty.
Being in the market for a new day cream I decided that if it was good enough for Kate it was worth a try so I ordered a tube. Lets take a second to admire the packaging this tube of heaven arrived in shall we? Just look at it! I thought I had mistakenly ordered a collectible or something. Big points for the "special factor" upon opening the parcel.
I ordered from Feel Unique and got 50ml of product for £31.45, which is pretty good considering it is usually £38 per tube. Feel Unique had it to me within a couple of days over a weekend, just in time for my old day cream to decide it was completely empty, it couldn't have been more perfect in the timing.
Tubes that are only 50ml for a good chunk of money always make me squirm, and my boyfriend exclaim "how much!?" and I have to admit, when buying this with my night cream too I did feel a bit guilty knowing how quickly my normal 50ml bottles of day cream disappear. However I really needn't have worried with this. The texture of the cream is incredibly light, in a way it reminds me of Steamcream in that it feels whipped. However unlike Steamcream, a tiny bit of this product, I'm talking a pea sized amount, will hydrate my whole face and neck and it even feels then like I maybe have a tiny bit too much on. This tube is going to last me ages so it is definitely a good investment.
When you apply this, Herzog recommends using a brush so that you don't waste active ingredients on your fingers, and I have to admit I don't bother, I make sure my hands are really clean then slather it on. Another application tip she gives which I do pay attention to though is not to rub it in, but let it absorb on its own. This is something I had to get used to as I am notorious for being a bit rough with my face, but it helps it feel special to use, I feel like I am pampering myself every morning.
The real bit that got me interested however was that this product helps balance the hydro-lipid film of the skin, it is effectively a sebo-regulator, it balances your natural oil production. Now I have been reading up about this layer that protects our skin and how acne is often caused by it being damaged, having seen huge results when on Roaccutane (which inhibits oil production just in case you aren't aware) I know now that the majority of my acne is oil based. Get rid of the oil and I don't get the spots. Obviously I can't stay on that treatment forever, and my skin seems to go back to a bit of oiliness once I come off it so I have been trying to find ways to regulate, rather than attempt to dry up all of my natural oils. If your hydro-lipid layer is damaged, you produce more natural oils to protect your skin from harm, so preserve that layer and your sin will naturally go back to being a "normal" type. I love this theory, and I really am noticing that my skin is a little less oily throughout the day, I am not glow free, but I feel less grubby by home time. I have also been experiencing less acne breakouts and my skin looks and feels much healthier than it has done in a while.
All in all, I am so glad I gave this a try, it is a little tube of luxury for my morning routine and I am so far reaping the benefits. I will obviously continue to use it and see how it goes, but I have a funny feeling it will be sticking around in my skincare routine for a long time.
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