So it is over half way through the year now, and I am thinking maybe we should have a little update on my reading challenge progress.
So far I have read 39 books, the list of these books can be found in the "Project 2013" page which is liked to the right, or of course on my Goodreads page, linked to the left.
I am 14 books behind, and to some this would be a disaster, but I have already pulled this back once this year from being 10 books behind (and then let it slip for various reasons) so I am not too worried, but I am also not so determined to finish this challenge either.
This year has been pretty awful so far, I have never believed in unlucky numbers, but maybe the whole 13 is a bad number thing has got something behind it, there have been a lot of things going wrong so far so in light of those I am not going to beat myself up if I don't hit my target.
Now don't get me wrong, I am still trying to get as close as possible, I just wont be too upset if I don't hit it.
In terms of other updates, I have spent the past few days writing and scheduling a whole bunch of book reviews from last years challenge. They aren't going to be posted in the order that I have read the books I am afraid because I may have forgotten to take some pictures (I am in the process of retaking them now) but I aim to have a good chunk of the reviews I want to write posted over the next few months. If you do want to see what order I read them in, they are listed correctly on the Project 2012 page to the right.
I am working on a backlog of about 45 books from last year, and then I want to catch up to the ones from this year, so depending on how many I can sit and write at once (I managed 8 last weekend) I am aiming to have at least one a week, maybe two, to allow for me to get on with other things in life too.
So how is your reading challenge going? Have you hit a slump or are you powering through?
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