If any of you knitter's are fans of the Potter books, and are on Ravelry feel free to join the group, you don't have to participate but you can certainly cheer us on as a Not Quite First Year (NQFY) which is what I was for a while. It is definitely fun seeing the massive tasks people take on for their OWL projects.

In other knitting news some of the packages that I ordered a couple of weeks ago have started to arrive! The one from the US hasn't yet and I am seriously regretting not paying the extra for tracking (it was about $15 more though!!) as I would like to know if it is in the country yet, but two packages from the UK are here.
First up from Get Knitted, some Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Midway.
Have a clickity to see it bigger and marvel at the pretty blend of colours. I can't wait to plan what I am going to use it for, I have around 420m so I am tempted to make Ysolda's Damson shawl as I do have other sock yarns in my stash and more on the way, I shall have to wait and think about it a little bit though.
Also from Get Knitted I got some chunky 10mm straight needles in the Knit Pro acrylic version. I looked at treating myself to some wooden ones but I couldn't justify the price for a size of needle that I wouldn't use very often. At the moment I have transferred them to my Bella's scarf in purple so that I don't have to use those awful metal Addi needles any more (which I am contemplating sending to a new home) but they are a size up on the size I was using before, I am hoping that it wont be very noticeable, and that I can block it out if you can tell.
When they have done their job finishing that scarf they will be used for what I actually bought them for, the french press slippers. I haven't cast on first thing this morning because I am waiting to see if they will fit as on of the classes for the HPKCHC when the classes are posted tomorrow!
ALso my order from Amazon came today, so I am the proud owner of the Harry Potter knitting pattern book and have now completed my Harmony stitch dictionaries! The edgings and trims was the last of the 5 knitting ones, so until I decide to branch into crochet I have everything I need for getting creative.
Speaking of getting creative, I ordered some beautiful silver coloured laceweight yarn last night to make a shimmering shawl which I plan on trying to design myself! Obviously this is something which is in the future and I am just preparing myself at the moment, but it is an ongoing project that I am really looking forward to. I really want to do something with stars in the yarn overs.
Just a couple of fun pics now, I got this little guy for christmas:
He's called Bramble, I have wanted a Beagle for years and again didn't get one, I am not allowed while I am at my parents house, so my Mum got me this little Steiff Beagle instead, he is my current desk mascot!
I am contemplating popping a pic of my favorite things at the bottom of my posts for fun, good idea? These are one of my favorite things right now...yum!
wow, lucky girl! That yarn is gorgeous! I've never heard of the Harry Potter knitting patterns - what kind of patterns do they have?
ReplyDeleteIt's a really good book actually, there are house themed scarves and socks and jumpers, and the traditional Weasley jumper and all sorts, including on my flick through earlier some robes! And it was only £6 something on amazon, nicely reduced, my kind of pattern book!
ReplyDeleteThey yarn is fab isn't it? It is one of the skeins that I have put my Christmas money to use purchasing.